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There are many scam sites like Bingo Captcha Point on the Internet, and are the last ones we reported on.

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internet browser pop ups appear and recommend fake updates and other unwanted programs.your computer settings are being modified without your request.Potentially unwanted apps, dubious pop up advertisements, adware, social engineering attack Spam push notifications, browser notification spam, pop-up virus Threat Summary Nameīingo Captcha Point, “Bingo Captcha Point Top virus” In some cases, scammers simply redirect users to other malicious or scam sites. That is, users in different countries may see different content, depending on their GEO location. Just as important, scam sites like Bingo Captcha Point can change their content based on the user’s IP address.


These ads are displayed in the lower right corner of the screen urges victims to play online games, visit questionable websites, install malicious browser extensions & so on. Cyber criminals abuse ‘push notifications feature’ to avoid anti-virus and ad blocking programs by displaying annoying advertisements. Push notifications are originally created to alert users of recently published content. The scam is intended to trick victims into allowing push notifications. Bingo Captcha Point shows a fake captcha test, the “CLICK «ALLOW» TO CONFIRM THAT YOU ARE NOT A ROBOT!” message encouraging victims to click on the “Allow” button to prove that they are humans/not robots.

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